Rudbeckia maxima (Giant Coneflower)

$ 12.98

Only 14 left in stock.

Giant Coneflower is a stunning clump-forming perennial. It has blueish foliage and a flower stalk that shoots 4-6 feet into the sky. The flower has bright yellow petals and brown center.

Giant Coneflower is heat tolerant and not very particular about soil type, but it prefers full to partly sunny sites with moist, fertile well-draining soils, and will not survive extreme drought for long periods.

Giant Coneflower can be cut back to the base after blooming to keep it tidy or left to dry to provide seed for the goldfinches. It can be used as a backdrop plant behind or mixed among shorter perennials or planted en masse. It is excellent in naturalized areas, wildflower meadows, prairies, cottage gardens, and native plant gardens.



Texas native Yes
Water use Medium to high
Sun exposure Part shade to full sun
Bloom color Yellow
Bloom time Summer
Mature height 4-6 ft
Mature spread 2-3 ft
Attracts Bees, butterflies
Host plant American Painted Lady butterfly
Notes Native bee friendly.





 Present in state
 Present in county and native
 Native to North America, but adventive & escaped in state         
 Not present in state
 Present and rare, native in county
 Previously present, now extinct
 Questionable presence (cross-hatched, regardless of color)